- 1. The largest dragon to ever walk Middle Earth
- 4. A creature of darkness that often took the form of a spider, the mother of Shelob
- 5. once known as the lord of the balrogs
- 6. The known bearer of the Ring
- 8. A great dragon who resided under the lonely mountain
- 10. A magic user who is often associated with the color grey
- 12. the first dark lord of middle earth
- 14. A hobbit, known for being an extraordinarily loyal friend
- 2. An object that corrupts any who fall victim to its temptation
- 3. Gems that produced an ethereal light
- 7. Kings corrupted by the Rings of Power
- 9. A general of Morgoth, before becoming the next dark lord himself
- 11. An elf of the first age who challenged Morgoth to single combat and ultimately lost
- 13. former maiar who were corrupted and turned into beasts of shadow and flame