One Direction but mega

  1. 2. Do not do anything bad _____ I am gone.
  2. 3. Over ____, we have three bedrooms.
  3. 4. What is ___ most common word?
  4. 6. Hey, ____’s up?
  5. 10. __, I am not done with my homework.
  6. 11. He’s __ slow __ a snail.
  7. 12. ____ will we watch the movie?
  8. 14. The cat wants in ___ out repeatedly.
  9. 17. You have to do your homework, ____ you can play around.
  10. 18. I live in the United States __ America.
  11. 20. ___ you Timmy’s sister?
  12. 21. ___ a long period of time, people have been sending rockets to space.
  13. 22. I have the arachnophobia, or the fear of ______s.
  14. 24. ___ am I even writing these sentences?
  15. 25. A baby kangaroo is called a ____.
  16. 26. The sound that a ___ is “mew!”
  1. 1. Cats, snakes, owls, and foxes are all predators of ____.
  2. 2. _____’s the aquarium here? I heard there is one.
  3. 5. Just ___ did you do that? That seems impossible!
  4. 7. This is a model of the _____ skeleton.
  5. 8. 83% of the world’s milk comes from ___s.
  6. 9. ________s can only hop and have a pouch for storing their young.
  7. 13. The fastest land animal is the _______.
  8. 15. I am __ing my science project.
  9. 16. ___, I finished my homework!
  10. 19. A fly just landed on my sandwich! D:
  11. 23. __ you get in trouble again, you are gonna be grounded!
  12. 24. I am ____ing to beat you in Monopoly.