One Piece

  1. 3. Who is Luffy's dad?
  2. 5. Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  3. 7. Who left the One Piece?
  4. 10. Ruler of Whole Cake Island
  5. 14. The fish man that kept Nami indebted
  6. 17. Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates
  7. 18. Musician of the Straw Hat Pirates
  8. 19. The samurai from Wano that journeyed with GolDRoger
  9. 21. Doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates
  1. 1. The clown pirate that was aboard Gol D. Roger's crew
  2. 2. Shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates
  3. 4. Ruler of Dressrosa
  4. 6. Luffy's grandfather
  5. 8. Archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates
  6. 9. a piece of paper made from a person's fingernail clipping. The pieces can then be given to a friend whom one would be separated from.
  7. 11. Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates
  8. 12. Marksman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  9. 13. Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates
  10. 15. What treasure is Luffy looking for?
  11. 16. Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates
  12. 20. Who gave Luffy the straw hat?