one piece

  1. 4. reptile
  2. 5. super cyborg
  3. 6. surgeon of death
  4. 7. long nose
  5. 9. ace's father figure
  6. 11. he steals devil fruits
  7. 15. totally not kidd's bf hahahahaha
  8. 19. biggest strawhat fanboy
  9. 20. narcolepsy, sleepwalking, and dissociative identity disorder
  10. 22. gave luffy his hat
  11. 24. "prettiest" woman in the world
  12. 27. beast yonko
  13. 28. law's father figure
  14. 30. boss fishman
  15. 32. too many children
  16. 34. fiery donut
  17. 39. best swordsman at the moment
  18. 41. tsundere with a dessert name
  19. 42. a brave samurai who loves oden and his wife
  20. 43. three swordsman
  21. 44. main character
  1. 1. new shogunate of wano
  2. 2. flamingo
  3. 3. ghost princess
  4. 8. a young girl who wanted to join ace's crew
  5. 10. luffy's mentor in the two year time skip
  6. 12. a transfem samurai
  7. 13. yohohoho
  8. 14. a big crybaby
  9. 16. poneglyphs
  10. 17. cat bugular
  11. 18. former king of the pirates
  12. 21. kaido's son
  13. 22. one of the sake brothers
  14. 23. long ahh nose fishman
  15. 25. cook
  16. 26. biggest glowup in one piece, first person luffy met when he went out to sea
  17. 28. NOT a raccoon
  18. 29. former admiral ice guy
  19. 31. former fleet admiral
  20. 33. no gender
  21. 35. red headed metal scrap guy
  22. 36. luffy's grandpa
  23. 37. killed ace
  24. 38. best vlogger in the paramount war
  25. 40. princess of alabasta