One piece

  1. 2. Monetary rewards issued by the World Government for the capture or death of pirates.
  2. 4. Ancient stone tablets containing historical information about the world's secrets.
  3. 6. The four most powerful pirates in the world.
  4. 8. The World Government's military force tasked with maintaining order and capturing pirates.
  5. 9. A closed-off country inspired by feudal Japan, known for its powerful samurai.
  6. 10. A mysterious power that can be used for combat, divided into Observation, Armament, and Conqueror's type.
  1. 1. A special paper that can track the location of a person it's linked to, commonly used by pirates to keep track of their crewmates.
  2. 3. A group of powerful pirates who ally with the World Government in exchange for certain privileges.
  3. 5. A Japanese term meaning "comrade" or "friend," frequently used by the Straw Hat Pirates to refer to each other.
  4. 7. A council where leaders from various countries gather to discuss global affairs.