  1. 1. The final destination of the Grand Line, rumored to be the location of One Piece and the key to uncovering the world's greatest mysteries.
  2. 5. The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates, who ate the Human-Human Fruit, allowing him to transform into various forms.
  3. 7. The Four Emperors, the most powerful pirate captains ruling over different regions of the Grand Line.
  4. 9. The shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his cyborg enhancements and his ability to build and repair ships.
  5. 12. The Warlords of the Sea, powerful pirates who have allied with the World Government in exchange for certain privileges.
  6. 14. The naval force of the World Government responsible for maintaining order and combating piracy.
  7. 15. One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user superhuman abilities without altering their body's physical state.
  8. 16. The swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, renowned for his immense strength and dedication to becoming the world's greatest swordsman.
  9. 17. A mysterious power that allows its users to sense the presence of others, strengthen their attacks, and exert their will over others.
  1. 1. A secret army led by Monkey D. Dragon, seeking to overthrow the World Government and bring about a new era of freedom.
  2. 2. One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user the ability to transform, produce, and control a specific element.
  3. 3. The enthusiastic and adventurous protagonist of One Piece.
  4. 4. The musician of the Straw Hat Pirates, a living skeleton with a devil fruit power that allows him to return to life after death.
  5. 6. The archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates, seeking to uncover the mysteries of the world's history known as the "Void Century."
  6. 8. Luffy's combat forms, achieved through his mastery of Haki and his Devil Fruit powers, enhancing his strength, speed, and durability.
  7. 10. The former Pirate King and legendary figure whose execution sparked the Great Pirate Era and inspired a new generation of pirates.
  8. 11. The skilled navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for her cartography skills and her dream of creating a complete map of the world.
  9. 12. The chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his culinary skills, chivalry, and powerful martial arts technique, "Black Leg Style."
  10. 13. The sharpshooter and storyteller of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his tall tales and his ability to wield a slingshot with deadly accuracy.
  11. 16. One of the three types of Devil Fruits, granting the user the ability to transform into a specific animal or hybrid form.