One Piece Characters

  1. 1. Leader of CP9, was defeated by Luffy in Enies Lobby.
  2. 5. Former member of the Warlords of the Sea and has the powers of the Paw-Paw Fruit.
  3. 7. Former bandit of the Nine Red Scabbards. Used himself to protect the others from the traito Kanjuro's fire.
  4. 9. Princess of Fish-Man Island and can communicate with the Sea Kings.
  5. 13. Princess of Dressrosa and heir to the throne.
  6. 14. Mother of Nami and Nojiko, former Marine and tangerine farmer.
  7. 15. Leader of Zou during the night and loyal to the Kozuki family of Wano.
  8. 16. Captain of the Krieg pirates and attempted to take over the Baratie.
  9. 17. Captain of the sun pirates and former slave of the Celestial Dragons.
  10. 21. Captain of the Bellamy pirates and follower of Doflamingo.
  11. 24. King of the Pirates and spark to the flame of the New Age of Pirates.
  12. 26. Honorary member of the Straw Hat pirates and pet of Princess Vivi.
  13. 31. Father figure to Kozuki Momonosuke and leader of the Nine Red Scabbards.
  14. 32. First division commander of the Whitebeard pirates. Also known as "the Phoenix".
  15. 33. Former Shogun of Wano and user of the Snake-Snake Fruit: Model Yamata no Orochi.
  16. 34. Father to Tony Tony Chopper and known as the "Crackpot" Doctor of Drum Island.
  17. 37. Captain of the Whitebeard pirates and former Emporer of the Sea. Had the second-highest bounty ever.
  18. 38. Sniper of the Straw Hat pirates. "Sogeking"
  19. 40. Captain of the New Fish-Man pirates and assassinator of Queen Otohime.
  20. 41. Spy for the government on the inside of the Donquixote pirates and brothe of Doflamingo.
  21. 44. Ruler of a large portion of the East Blue. Ruled over Nami's hometown and former crewmate of Jinbe.
  22. 47. Samurai and member of the Nine Red Scabbards. Became a Yakuza boss in his hiding of identity under the name of Kyoshiro.
  23. 48. Shipwright of the Straw Hats. Born as "Cutty Flam".
  24. 49. Former Emporer of the Sea and captain of the Animal Kingdom pirates.
  25. 51. Undead musician of the Straw Hats. Stage name is "Soul King"
  26. 54. First mate to the Roger pirates and teacher to Luffy of haki.
  27. 60. Strongest swordsman and former Warlord of the Sea. Has no devil fruit, but immense Haki. Member of Buggy's Crew.
  28. 63. Real name is Sakazuki. Fleet Admiral of the Navy and killer of Portgas D. Ace.
  29. 64. Older brother to Sanji with the Sparking Red ability.
  30. 67. Real name is Issho. Blind navy official and has the power to control gravity.
  31. 68. Navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. "Cat Burgler"
  32. 69. Brother of Kikunojo and who followed in his leaders footsteps as a member of Whitebeard pirates.
  33. 71. Doctor of Drum Island and feisty old woman.
  34. 73. Archaeologist, known as "Devil Child". Member of the Straw Hats.
  35. 76. Samurai of the Nine Red Scabbards and Izo's sister.
  36. 77. Ninja of the Nine Red Scabbards. User of the Scroll-Scroll Fruit.
  37. 78. Doctor of the Straw Hat pirates. "Raccoon Dog"
  38. 80. Also known as "Fire-Fist", brother to Luffy and second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates.
  39. 83. Leader of the Revolutionary Army and father of Monkey D. Luffy.
  40. 84. The island of Zou as a giant elephant, due to walk the seas as something that happened during the forgotten century.
  41. 87. A jaguar type mink known as the Guardian of Cat Viper.
  42. 88. Retired Fleet Admiral, known as "the Buddha" due to his mythical-zoan type fruit.
  43. 89. Goal is to be the World's Greatest Swordsman.
  44. 93. Current Shogun of Wano and ally of the Straw Hat pirates. User of the Fish-Fish Fruit: Model Azure Dragon.
  45. 94. King of Alabasta and framed for the drought that Crocodile brought to the kingdom.
  46. 96. King of Dressrosa, grandfather to Rebecca and father-in-law to Kyros, also father to Princesses Viola and Scarlet.
  47. 97. Captain of the Thriller Bark pirates and former Warlord of the Sea.
  48. 98. Captain of the Donquixote pirates and former Warlord of the Seas.
  49. 99. Smoker's second in command and very clumsy swordwoman.
  50. 100. Sanji's younger brother and member of the Germa Army.
  51. 101. Part of the "Worst Generation" and eater of the Tone-Tone Fruit.
  1. 2. Former Emporer of the Sea and captain of the Big Mom pirates.
  2. 3. Sister of Sanji and the only sibling who showed him empathy.
  3. 4. Captain of the Black Cat pirates and tried to do a hostile takeover of Usopp's hometown.
  4. 5. Emporer of the sea and former member of the Roger pirates. HAs the powers of the Cop-Chop Fruit.
  5. 6. Military scientist who strives himself in his work.
  6. 8. Real name is Borsalino. Has the powers of the Glint-Glint Fruit.
  7. 10. Real name is Aramaki. High ranking navy officer who ate the Forest-Forest Fruit.
  8. 11. Captain of the Red-Haired pirates and gives Luffy his Straw Hat.
  9. 12. Part of the "Worst Generation". Former member of the Donquixote pirates as well as the Seven Warlords. Captain of the Heart pirates.
  10. 18. Ruler of Water 7 and friend of Franky.
  11. 19. Former daimyo of Kuri and member of the Whitebeard and Roger pirates. Original owner of the sword Enma, and skilled Haki user.
  12. 20. Part of the "Worst Generation" and the only female of the group. Ate an unamed Devil Fruit that causes her to change age and appearance of others and herself.
  13. 22. Member of the "Worst Generation" and spy for the government into the Animal Kingdom pirates.
  14. 23. Member of the Revolutionary Army and new user of the Flame-Flame Fruit. Brother of Luffy.
  15. 25. Member of the Revolutionary Army who was saved by the Fish-Man Island Crew and knows Fish-Man Karate.
  16. 27. Son of Big Mom, as well as right-hand man. Has the powers of the Moch-Mochi Fruit and immense Haki powers.
  17. 28. Navy officer who has past with the Straw Hats. His weapon has a sea-prism stone in the tip and he has eaten the Smoke-Smoke Fruit.
  18. 29. Leader of Zou during the day and loyal to the Kozuki family of Wano.
  19. 30. Father to Sanji and leader of the Germa Kingdom.
  20. 35. Former gladiator and husband to Princess Scarlett. Father to Princess Rebecca.
  21. 36. Sister to Nami and inheritor to the tangerine farm on Coco Island.
  22. 39. Captain of the Revolutionary Army and user of the Horm-Horm Fruit. Comrade of Dragon.
  23. 42. Part of the "Worst Generation", captain of the Fire Tank pirates and traitor to the Big MOm pirate family.
  24. 43. Helmsman of the Straw Hat pirates. Past Warlord.
  25. 45. Princess of Alabasta and honorary member of the Straw Hats.
  26. 46. Older brother to Sanji who has the Dengeki Blue ability.
  27. 50. Part of the "Worst Generation" and captain of the Kid pirates. Overthrower of Big Mom with Trafalgar Law.
  28. 52. Right-hand commander of the Krieg pirates.
  29. 53. Known as "Red Shoe" and head of the Baratie.
  30. 55. Part of the "Worst Generation", right-hand man to the Kid pirates. Ate a "Smile Fruit"/
  31. 56. Right-hand of the Red-Haired pirates. Smartest man from the East Blue.
  32. 57. Ruler of Drum Island and former lackey of Wapol.
  33. 58. Emporer of the Sea and former member of the Whitebeard pirates. Captain of the Blackbeard pirates.
  34. 59. Member of the Baroque Works who strives to be like his idol Emporio Ivankov.
  35. 61. Luffy's grandfather and hero of the Navy. Heped raise Luffy and Ace as his grandchildren.
  36. 62. Samurai of the Nine Red Scabbards and traitor to the group.
  37. 64. Cook of the Straw Hat pirates. "Black Leg"
  38. 65. Captain of the Bliking pirates and former ruler of Drum Island.
  39. 66. Underling of Garp and the first friend Luffy made on his journey.
  40. 70. Kappa member of the Nine Red Scabbards and is a samurai and raised Kozuki Hiyori during her adolescense.
  41. 72. King of Fish-Man Island, father of Shirahoshi.
  42. 74. Leader of the Kuja women and former Warlord of the Sea.
  43. 75. Captain of the Straw Hat Crew.
  44. 79. Son of Kaido, sees himself as the new Kozuki Oden and also friend of Portgas D. Ace.
  45. 81. Part of the "Worst Generation",ate the Straw-Straw Fruit and member of the Animal Kingdom pirates. Former captain of the Hawkins pirates.
  46. 82. Former Navy Scientist and creator of artificial Devil Fruits.
  47. 85. Member of Buggy's crew and former Warlord of the Sea. Has the powers of the Sand-Sand Fruit.
  48. 86. Daughter of Kozuki Oden and younger sister of Kozuki Momonosuke.
  49. 90. Right-hand man to Kaido and skilled swordsman. Eater of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit: Model Pteradon.
  50. 91. Father-figure of Nami and Nojiko. Uses his pinwheel to cheer up the kids of Coco Island.
  51. 92. Friend and ally of the Straw Hat pirates. She is a rabbit mink and member of Dogstorms musketeers.
  52. 95. Known as "Ghost Princess", former member of the Thriller Bark pirates and ally of Dracule Mihawk.