Opera Puzzle

  1. 1. The story of the opera, where usually, some evil is crafted.
  2. 3. Orchestrate or arrange (a piece of music), typically for a specified instrument or instruments.
  3. 4. The action that leads to the more important issue.
  4. 7. A large organized group of singers, especially one that performs together with an orchestra or opera company.
  5. 10. A long, accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio. Baritone An adult male singing voice between tenor and bass.
  6. 11. A voice, instrument, or sound of the lowest range, in particular.
  7. 12. How far a singer can “throw” their voice, this is needed because the singers did not have microphones in the 1600’s.
  8. 13. An adult male singing voice between tenor and bass.
  9. 14. The beginning of an opera.
  10. 15. The text of an opera or other long vocal work.
  11. 16. Musical declamation of the kind usual in the narrative and dialogue parts of opera and oratorio, sung in the rhythm of ordinary speech with many words on the same note.
  12. 18. Elaborate ornamentation of a vocal melody, especially in operatic singing by a soprano.
  13. 20. Highest of four singing voices.
  14. 21. A recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation
  15. 23. A voice, instrument, or part below the highest range and above tenor, in particular.
  16. 24. Performance from two people.
  17. 25. The highest average range for male singers, between baritone and alto.
  1. 2. An act composed with multiple acts which is performed by singers and instrumentalists.
  2. 3. Each Note is sharply detached from each other.
  3. 5. Volume of a sound or note.
  4. 6. A female singer with a voice pitched between soprano and contralto.
  5. 8. Used interjectionally in applauding a woman.
  6. 9. The group of instrumentalists, in which many different instruments are played.
  7. 12. A percussion instrument, which is played by pushing down on the keys that in turn make the small hammers hit the metal wires.
  8. 13. Used to express approval when a performer or other person has done something well.
  9. 17. Italian meaning realism or the idea of taking events from real life and using those ideas to make an opera or drama.
  10. 19. In a smooth, flowing manner, without breaks between notes.
  11. 22. Strong suit of someone or the preference