- 1. Loud
- 6. A conductor uses this to lead an opera or musical; music and vocal parts.
- 7. the male voice between the tenor and the bass voices.
- 8. to play soft or softly.
- 9. the group of instrumentalists that are conducted by the conductor.
- 11. the introduction of a piece of music.
- 14. a speech-like, declamatory vocal style
- 15. the story around which the musical or Opera is based.
- 16. a soprano who has been specially trained to sing rapid passages, trills and difficult runs.
- 19. an introduction to an Opera piece.
- 20. Italian meaning to make notes short.
- 23. Soprano A singer with a voice higher between soprano and contralto.
- 24. a theatrical production with costumes and singing(a play)
- 25. a cheer for male opera singers.
- 2. the highest male voice.
- 3. the lowest female voice.
- 4. a cheer for female opera singers.
- 5. the text of an Opera.
- 8. an ability to make your voice be heard over a distance.
- 10. a song for solo voice.
- 12. a recurrent theme in a musical or opera.
- 13. the loudness and softness.
- 16. Part of an opera that a large group sing.
- 17. Italian meaning to smoothly connect notes.
- 18. realism or real life events to make an opera or drama.
- 20. highest female voice.
- 21. a song written for two voices.
- 22. The lowest of the male voices which is usually not developed until after the age of 16 or 17. The range of a bass is from a d below the staff on the bass clef to a c above the staff on the bass clef.