opioid induced respiratory depression (OIRD)

  1. 2. respiratory rate function assessment includes rate, regularity and __________.
  2. 3. opioid analgesics bind to these receptors.
  3. 4. these kind of thinking skills are required for analysing trends.
  4. 7. screening for this is recommended in those patients with a high body mass index.
  5. 8. patients who are taking regular opioid medications prior to hospitalisation are considered to be _________
  6. 9. nurses need to be aware of _______effect times of opiates.
  7. 12. comparison of patients current respiratory rate with their__________ can lead to early detection of deterioration.
  8. 13. rate should be measured before arousing a sleeping patient.
  9. 18. vigilance in monitoring for adverse events is important during first 24 hours post __________.
  10. 19. agent required to reverse opiate induced excessive sedation and respiratory depression.
  1. 1. advancing sedation measured on a sedation scale indicates need for the nurse to ___________opiate administration.
  2. 5. respirations can be _________due to three mechanisms affected by opioids.
  3. 6. standard anaesthetic physical assessment classification.
  4. 7. documentation of respiratory rate, sedation level and oxygen saturation is completed at least _____hourly for first 24hours.
  5. 10. consequences of unintended advancing sedation can have _________consequences for patients.
  6. 11. this factor along with individual and pharmacological are known to be associated with near miss opioid related events.
  7. 14. analgesic administration should be balanced with this kind of practice.
  8. 15. this sign of airway obstruction should be promptly re evaluated and patient repositioned.
  9. 16. increasing levels of _________are evident before decreasing respiratory rate.
  10. 17. nurses suffer from alarm ______as a result of numerous bedside alarms.