
  1. 2. Opposite of empty.
  2. 5. Opposite of poor.
  3. 7. Opposite of on.
  4. 10. Opposite of backward.
  5. 12. Opposite of close.
  6. 13. Opposite of outside.
  7. 14. Opposite of child.
  8. 16. Opposite of talking.
  9. 17. Opposite of slow.
  10. 18. Opposite of few.
  1. 1. Opposite of ceiling.
  2. 3. Opposite of old.
  3. 4. Opposite of young.
  4. 6. Oppposite of cold.
  5. 8. Opposite of worng.
  6. 9. Opposite of standing.
  7. 10. Opposite of many
  8. 11. Opposite of spring.
  9. 15. Opposite of sunnhy