
  1. 3. This refers to the part or side that is behind or opposite to the front.
  2. 5. This refers to the part or side that faces forward or is in the direction of motion.
  3. 6. This describes a feeling of unhappiness, sorrow, or gloominess.
  4. 7. This means something is tiny in size or has a little amount.
  5. 8. This means something is not closed or accessible.
  6. 10. This refers to the direction towards a lower position or level.
  7. 11. This means something is large in size or has a great amount.
  8. 13. This describes a feeling of joy, contentment, or pleasure.
  9. 14. This describes a high temperature or the feeling of warmth.
  1. 1. This means something moves or happens quickly.
  2. 2. This describes a low temperature or the feeling of coolness.
  3. 4. This means something is shut or not accessible.
  4. 6. This means something moves or happens at a relaxed or leisurely pace.
  5. 9. This refers to the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
  6. 10. This refers to the period of light between sunrise and sunset.
  7. 12. This refers to the direction towards a higher position or level.