Oral Hypoglycemic medications

  1. 6. Class...causes weight gain and has a higher hypoglycemic potency
  2. 7. Drug...increases blood sugar by stimulating glycogenolysis in the liver
  3. 8. Category... stimulates insulin secretion
  4. 9. Drug...delays the absorption of carbohydrates from the GI Tract?
  5. 11. Class...increases the excretion of sugar in the urine
  1. 1. Drug...Post market withdrawal due to hepatotoxicity
  2. 2. Drug...not be taken with Dairy products
  3. 3. Drug....injectable form for type 2 diabetes
  4. 4. Major adverse effect of the sulfonylureas ?
  5. 5. Class...used in combination with metformin.
  6. 10. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus