
  1. 2. more kind
  2. 3. more fancy
  3. 5. the most fancy
  4. 6. the most harsh
  5. 7. the most quiet
  6. 11. the most early
  7. 13. the most tricky
  8. 16. the most murky
  9. 19. more quiet
  10. 20. more strange
  11. 21. more shiny
  12. 22. more empty
  13. 24. more murky
  1. 1. the most kind
  2. 4. the most clean
  3. 8. the most empty
  4. 9. the most strange
  5. 10. the most crummy
  6. 12. more tricky
  7. 14. more clean
  8. 15. more crummy
  9. 17. more harsh
  10. 18. the most shiny
  11. 23. more early