Orbits and Moon Phases

  1. 3. The star closest to Earth
  2. 9. The moon phases take about one _______ to complete its cycle
  3. 10. The 3rd planet
  4. 13. The 7th planet
  5. 14. The phase of the moon where less than half is lit up
  6. 15. The force that has to do with forward motion and momentum (keeps the planets from being pulled into the sun
  7. 16. The 1st planet
  1. 1. The objects that go around the sun are called _______.
  2. 2. The phase where the entire moon is lit up
  3. 4. The 5th planet
  4. 5. The 6th planet
  5. 6. The objects that go around planets
  6. 7. The 4th planet
  7. 8. The 8th planet
  8. 11. The phase where half of the moon is lit up
  9. 12. The force that keeps planets from flying off into space