- 1. The highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers
- 4. The lowest number that is a multiple of all the denominators
- 8. A fraction written in lowest terms
- 10. The top number of a fraction which tells how many parts of the total
- 11. A number that represents equal parts to a whole and has a numerator and denominator
- 12. The bottom number of a fraction which tells the total number of equal parts of a whole
- 13. fractions Sorting them from smallest to largest
- 15. Make the fraction as simple as possible
- 18. The subtraction of two fractions with the same or different denominators
- 2. Numerator and denominator are both integers, as opposed to fractions
- 3. All of something, including all of its elements or parts
- 4. When a number is less than the other number
- 5. The numerator is greater than the denominator
- 6. Finding the sum of two or more fractions
- 7. When a number is larger than the other number
- 9. Represent the same value
- 12. A number in a system based on ten
- 14. Dividing a fraction into further equal parts
- 16. One of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole
- 17. The numerator is less or of lower than the denominator