Organ System Crossword Puzzle (no spaces between words)

  1. 2. part of the excretory system, removes waste and toxins from the body, and excess water from the bloodstream
  2. 3. part of the endocrine system, produces hormones which affect metabolism, growth, and development of the human body
  3. 4. responsible for hormones which affect the change of the body for homeostasis
  4. 6. gathers, transfers, and processes information.
  5. 9. part of the muscular system, used for locomotion
  6. 13. part of the digestive system, turns waste into feces and passes it from the body
  7. 14. relieves the body of waste to maintain a normal body composition of internal fluids
  8. 16. part of the nervous system, controls every process that regulates our body, controls sensory information, controls memory
  9. 17. part of the respiratory system, inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide
  10. 20. part of the Integumentary System, covers your flesh to provide a barrier between you insides and the pathogens outside
  11. 21. part of the reproductive system, produces eggs
  12. 22. supports and protects the body
  1. 1. defends against pathogens
  2. 5. provides protection from injury and disease with the use of a physical barrier
  3. 7. distributes oxygen around the body and gets rid of carbon dioxide
  4. 8. part of the circulatory system, pumps blood
  5. 10. gathers oxygen for the red blood cells to pass around the body and exhales waste like carbon dioxide
  6. 11. part of the immune system, white blood cells that destroy pathogens
  7. 12. produces offspring
  8. 15. moves and supports the body
  9. 18. digests and absorbs nutrients from food
  10. 19. part of the skeletal system, provides support, shape, and protection for the body