organ systems

  1. 3. organ system that produces egg and sperm cells
  2. 5. part of the respiratory system that we need to breathe, they bring oxygen into our body and carbon dioxide out
  3. 7. system that holds up your body
  4. 10. system that maintains fluid levels by removing all fluids that leak out of our blood vessels
  5. 12. organ system that helps you breathe.
  6. 15. part of the nervous system that carries nerve signals to and from the brain and body
  7. 16. system that uses hormones to control and coordinate your body's mood, growth and development, and more
  8. 21. system that is your body's outer layer acts as a physical barrier
  9. 22. part of digestive system, absorbs food
  1. 1. system that is responsible for movement
  2. 2. part of the circulatory system, carrys waste products away from your organs and tissues.
  3. 4. part of the lymphatic system is a spongy substance found in the center of the bones
  4. 6. essential for developing long bones
  5. 8. system that breaks down food into nutrients like carbs, fats, and proteins for energy and more
  6. 9. organ system that removes wastes from the body.
  7. 11. part of the reproductive system and nurtures developing offspring
  8. 13. part of the excretory system that removes acid and maintains healthy levels of things like salts
  9. 14. part of the endocrine system, is a gland that produces hormones that help regulate your metabolism and other essential functions
  10. 17. system that pumps blood to and from the heart
  11. 18. part of the integumentary system a fibrous structure that supports and protects the skin and deeper layers
  12. 19. soft tissues part of the muscular system that help us do things like jump
  13. 20. organ system that maintains 'homeostasis' in the body