Organ Systems Callum Little

  1. 3. produces heat
  2. 6. maintains acid-base balance
  3. 9. synthesizes vitamin D
  4. 12. the control center of the nervous system
  5. 13. pathway air takes between the mouth and the lungs
  6. 14. eliminates indigestible material
  7. 15. site of blood cell formation
  1. 1. provides a protective case for the brain
  2. 2. responds to internal and external change
  3. 4. production of offspring
  4. 5. transports materials in body via blood pumped by heart
  5. 7. keeps blood supplied with oxygen
  6. 8. returns fluids to blood vessels
  7. 10. secretes regulatory hormones
  8. 11. organ that filters blood in the urinary system