Organ systems Tyler Neal

  1. 1. this is a major part of the integumentary system
  2. 2. this organ is a major part of the cardiovascular system which pumps the blood
  3. 3. this is produced in the testes of the male reproductive system
  4. 7. the muscular system is responsible for this
  5. 9. this system is involved in immunity
  6. 12. this system supplies the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  7. 14. This is what produces eggs in the female reproductive system
  1. 1. this system provides attachment for muscles
  2. 4. this system produces heat
  3. 5. a product and is eliminated via the urinary system
  4. 6. this system protects deep tissue from damage
  5. 8. this is a major organ in the nervous system
  6. 10. these are secreted by glands in the endocrine system
  7. 11. this vitamin is synthesized by the integumentary system
  8. 13. this organ is located in the digestive system and produces acid