Organic Chemistry

  1. 2. number of stereoisomers in tartaric acid.
  2. 4. is the six membered heterocyclic compound.
  3. 8. is known as deactivating group.
  4. 9. group is meta directing group.
  5. 10. has as its hetero atom O.
  6. 12. is Indole.
  1. 1. is non-benzenoid aromatic compound.
  2. 3. undergoes electrophilic substitution at the position 2or5.
  3. 5. on amination gives aniline.
  4. 6. number of pi-electrons in azulene.
  5. 7. dibromobenzene on nitration gives three isomers.
  6. 11. is an important mordant dye.