Organic Chemistry

  1. 2. The type of chemical bond in a hydrocarbon.
  2. 4. ____ water, a chemical for identifying double bonds
  3. 5. A chemical that has the general formula CnH2n+2.
  4. 8. The type of combustion that produces soot and smoke.
  5. 9. A chemical made from hydrogen and carbon only.
  6. 12. _____ dioxide is a gas that causes acid rain.
  1. 1. Carbon ______ is a poisonous gas.
  2. 3. _____ distillation, a process for separating hydrocarbons.
  3. 6. A chemical property measuring how thick a liquid is.
  4. 7. The chemical name for burning.
  5. 10. Chemicals with the general formula CnH2n. They contain a carbon-carbon double bond.
  6. 11. A process for making long hydrocarbons into shorter hydrocarbons.