Organic Chemistry

  1. 3. the isomers differ in the carbon skeleton.
  2. 5. existence of different compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formulae.
  3. 9. members from the same homologous series.
  4. 10. different classes of compounds that exhibit functional group isomerism ______.
  5. 11. structure that shows only carbon skeleton.
  6. 12. class of compound for benzene ring.
  1. 1. hydrogen that bonded to 2° carbon.
  2. 2. molecule that is not ______ with its mirror image.
  3. 4. helps to believe congestion. by loosening up mucus
  4. 6. all atoms and bonds are shown.
  5. 7. only involved _____ carbon (sp³).
  6. 8. series of compound where each member ..... from the next member by a constant.