- 2. an adult female pig, especially one that has farrowed
- 4. yellow, oil seed plant
- 6. the most populated country in the world
- 7. The capital of Hungary
- 9. famous Hungarian spice
- 10. you cannot use it for preventive treatment in organic livestock farming
- 12. milk product
- 14. domestic male pig
- 15. friesian the most popular dairy cattle breed
- 17. genetically modified abbreviation
- 18. famous alcoholic Hungarian drink
- 19. young pig
- 21. white, healthy drink
- 1. yellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable
- 3. nutrient-rich animal end product, is used to nourish the soil
- 5. the opposite of healthy
- 8. essential to life
- 11. the most important meal of the day
- 12. male cattle
- 13. produced by the hen
- 16. what is it called when the ewe gives birth to the lamb?
- 20. We call it when an animal's leg hurts