Organisation of body

  1. 7. Power house of cell
  2. 9. Jelly like ground substance present in cell.
  3. 10. Group of cells of same or different origin which perform same function.
  4. 12. stomach, brain and heart represents which category of body part.
  5. 13. Protein factory of the cell.
  6. 14. Cell which has well organised nucleous.
  7. 16. System helps in removal of waste from body.
  8. 19. system helps in digestion of food.
  9. 20. Master of the cell.
  1. 1. Ribosome factory in cell.
  2. 2. System which helps to protect our body from diseases.
  3. 3. Structure and functional unit of organisms' body.
  4. 4. food factory of plant cell.
  5. 5. Small compartments of cell.
  6. 6. Store house of cell.
  7. 8. System helps in control and Co-ordination of body.
  8. 11. Cell which has nuclear material without nuclear membrane.
  9. 15. System helps in exchange of gases between body and environment.
  10. 17. Rod like structure appear in nucleus at the time of cell division.
  11. 18. Unit of Inheritance.