Organizing Homeland Security

  1. 4. The process of examining a community to determine the areas that might be subject to attack
  2. 8. A multiagency operation in West Virginia that evaluates information gathered from a variety of governmental sources
  3. 10. As used in this text, the ability to stay focused on the primary mission of an organization
  1. 1. A federal law designed to prevent political interference with the decisions and actions of governmental organizations.
  2. 2. Information law enforcement agencies, military units, or other security forces can use to prevent an attack or operation.
  3. 3. Preparations from any agency to deal with natural, accidental, or man-made disasters
  4. 5. The criminal and social actions of individuals and groups before a terrorist attack
  5. 6. Any outcome or output of analyzed information that can be used by law enforcement agencies, military units, or security forces to take an immediate action
  6. 7. adding too many secondary tasks to a unit. Too many jobs divert a unit from its primary mission
  7. 9. favoring the process over accomplishments