Organs & Organ Systems

  1. 2. Supports, binds together, and protects other tissues and organs
  2. 4. differentiation The process by which cells become specialized in structure and function
  3. 5. produce hormones
  4. 7. Muscle fibers that are bundles of single, thin muscle cells
  5. 9. A group of similar cells that work together to perform a specialized function, usually as part of an organ
  6. 11. protects the axon and helps speed transmission of nerve impulses
  7. 13. the contractile unit of the muscle cell
  1. 1. Provides protective lining; allows for transport, secretion, and absorption
  2. 3. short, branch-like extensions that extend from the cell body, they receive electrochemical messages from other cells
  3. 6. a long extension of the cell that carries electrochemical signals away from the cell body and passes them to other cells
  4. 7. What thick filaments are made up of
  5. 8. made up of hair, skin, nails, ect.
  6. 10. What thin filaments are made up of
  7. 12. A group of tissues that carry out a specialized function of the body
  8. 14. system Two or more organs that work together to perform body functions