Organs & Organ Systems

  1. 2. System that transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones; and wastes
  2. 3. System that produces hormones that act on target tissues in other organs to influence growth, development, and metabolism
  3. 7. A large organ in the abdomen, involved in many metabolic processes
  4. 9. System that supports and protects vital organs; allows movement
  5. 10. System that produces voluntary and involuntary movements; helps circulate blood and move food through the digestive system
  6. 11. System that produces and transports reproductive cells
  7. 13. An organ of soft nervous tissues contained in the skull
  8. 14. An organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system
  9. 15. System that regulates the body's response to change in internal and external environments; processes information
  1. 1. System that filters blood and eliminates waste products
  2. 4. System that breaks down and absorbs nutrients; transfers digested materials to blood; eliminates some wastes
  3. 5. System that protects against disease; stores and generates white blood cells
  4. 6. System that protects against infection, UV radiation; regulates body temperature
  5. 8. An internal organ in which the major parts of the digestion of food occurs, links the esophagus to the small intestine
  6. 12. System that brings in oxygen for cells, expels carbon dioxide and water vapor