  1. 5. A confined space risk ..... must be conducted by a competent person.
  2. 7. Managing the risks of all workplace activities requires this type of personnel.
  3. 8. Safe confined space entry may require further ..... means other than voice and line of sight.
  4. 12. A confined space may or may not have this means of entry and exit.
  5. 13. These facilities may be required to avoid the build-up of any contaminants or combustible atmospheres.
  6. 15. These testing records must be displayed and available at the access point to a confined space.
  7. 18. Where necessary, the confined space must be cleared of contaminants by using a suitable agent of this type.
  1. 1. Where known flammable contaminants are present, testing must be at this frequency.
  2. 2. It is an Origin requirement to complete an entry permit and to obtain this before entering a confined space.
  3. 3. The hierarchy of control that should be implemented in the design of plant relating to the need to enter a confined space.
  4. 4. Some enclosed spaces have atmospheric ..... that are harmful to persons.
  5. 6. Only a competent and authorised gas ..... must monitor and test gaseous atmospheres.
  6. 8. Under no ..... must the standby person enter the confined space to enact an emergency response.
  7. 9. Confined space entry is classed as this type of high risk work.
  8. 10. If this type of watch is appointed to a confined space, the role must not be compromised by also appointing that person to other roles.
  9. 11. A standby person must be competent in the operation of rescue and ..... equipment.
  10. 14. This type of person is required to remain at the work site monitoring personnel movements into and out of the confined space.
  11. 16. Control over confined space activities is exercised through this type of work system.
  12. 17. This type of zone must be considered as part of the confined space risk assessment.