Origin of Concepts Crossword- Rosa Jane Graham

  1. 4. foundation: cogito ergo sum
  2. 5. posteriori: a proposition where you do require experience to prove its validity
  3. 7. to be knowledge, a belief must be certain so if we can doubt a belief, it is not knowledge
  4. 9. case: we have justified true belief, but because this is the case through coincidence, it is not knowledge
  5. 10. world: everything that exists independently of our minds
  6. 11. knowledge: a declarative statement that can either be true or false
  7. 14. the study of knowledge
  8. 15. priori: a proposition where you do not require experience to prove its validity
  9. 16. circle: circle of reasoning that Descartes employed when thinking about God
  10. 17. principal: all simple ideas are copies of impressions
  11. 19. a propositions validity depends upon the world
  1. 1. knowledge: knowing how to do something
  2. 2. our knowledge is derived from reason and logic
  3. 3. a non-veridical-perceptual experience
  4. 4. realism: physical objects exist independently of our minds
  5. 5. knowledge: knowing of someone or some place
  6. 6. argument: unless God exists, the question "why does anything exist" is unanswerable
  7. 8. idealism: all that exists are minds and ideas
  8. 12. distortion of the senses that means we perceive things differently from what exists
  9. 13. fork: we can have knowledge in two forms of claims- ideas and matter of fact
  10. 14. our knowledge is derived from experience
  11. 18. a proposition that is true by definition