Origins of Christianity

  1. 4. New Testament books about Jesus’ life
  2. 6. important symbol of Christianity
  3. 8. __ Testament includes stories about Jesus’ life
  4. 9. most important figure in Christianity
  5. 10. Jesus teaches using simple stories called __
  6. 12. Peter is often considered the first __
  7. 14. where Christianity originates, Middle __
  8. 15. city that is home to Jesus
  9. 17. Pontius __ sentences Jesus to death
  10. 18. Christianity starts as a form of __
  1. 1. Simon Peter is a __ of Jesus
  2. 2. group that kills Jesus
  3. 3. Bible is divided into many __
  4. 5. New Testament consists of twenty-__ books
  5. 7. Christian holy book
  6. 11. Jesus’ resurrection is celebrated at __
  7. 13. holy text for Jews and Christians, __ Testament
  8. 16. man to whom Christians and Jews trace their religion
  9. 19. Jesus’ mother