Origins of the Cold War

  1. 3. The Soviet Union had a _________ economic system
  2. 4. America, under president Eisenhower, adopted a policy of ________ to deter any nuclear strike by the Soviets
  3. 8. Truman's major policy during the Cold War that prevented the spread of communism
  4. 9. The U.S. generally had a _________ economic system
  5. 10. An alliance between the Soviet Union and seven other Eastern European nations. This was in response to the NATO
  6. 11. The U.S. and Soviet Union were _______ before World War 2
  1. 1. The ____________ gave aid to struggling countries
  2. 2. The Soviet Union was a __________ government
  3. 5. The U.S represented __________ political institutions
  4. 6. an alliance formed by the U.S, Canada, and ten countries in Western Europe
  5. 7. The _________ lasted from the end of World War 2 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991