OSHA Safety 2022

  1. 2. During a tornado or severe weather employees are to go to the _______ for shelter
  2. 3. Emergency rendezvous point is outside across the _______
  3. 6. Thyroid and other _______ are a potential if not wearing proper PPE
  4. 9. During an evacuation take the animal's _______ to contact the owner
  5. 11. Employees must wear their _______ on the outside of their thyroid shield or radiation gown when performing radiographs
  6. 13. Red Sharps containers are filled to the _______
  7. 14. North Paws has _______ fire extinguishers
  8. 16. An external parasite that transmits disease is called a _______
  9. 17. Lift all heavy objects with your _______
  10. 18. Report all accidents to the Practice _______
  1. 1. _______ is more important/valuable than the safety of our employees
  2. 4. Employees in the radiology room during radiographs are to record their _______ in the log book indicating their presence during radiographs
  3. 5. The eye wash station is located in the lab area attached to the sink _______
  4. 7. Autoclaved items must be given time to _______ before handling
  5. 8. Use the _______ technique when using a fire extinguisher
  6. 10. OSHA Safety Data Sheets are located in the _______
  7. 12. Staff are not allowed to eat in the _______ area
  8. 13. All employees must evacuate the building in the event of a hazardous spill of _______ or more
  9. 15. An OSHA safety worksheet must be completed by every staff member _______