OSSD Graduation Requirements

  1. 2. The type of provincial test all students write in grade 10
  2. 4. The number of credits you get for completing civics
  3. 7. The acronym for the Specialist High Skills Major program
  4. 8. You need one credit in this second language course
  5. 11. The number of English courses you need to complete
  6. 13. The number of health and physical education courses you need
  7. 14. This type of program allows you to earn credits while at a workplace
  8. 15. You need 1 credit in this course to help you learn about the world
  9. 16. The type of history course you need 1 credit in
  1. 1. You get half a credit for completing this course
  2. 3. You have to take 18 of these types of courses
  3. 5. The number of community service hours you need to do
  4. 6. You need two of these types of credits
  5. 9. You need three of these types of credits
  6. 10. You can take music, drama, or visual to complete this 1 credit requirement
  7. 12. You need to take 12 of these types of courses