Other Members of the Solar System

  1. 3. Lesser known belt of the solar system?
  2. 4. Heater of comets
  3. 6. They'd do anything to be away from the Sun
  4. 7. Comet characteristic
  5. 9. This rock is on fire!
  6. 11. Visits Earth every now and again
  7. 13. The Earth has one, but so do some asteroids
  8. 15. Something atoms, cells, and comets have in common
  9. 16. Titan has one but most asteroids don't
  10. 17. Long period of sleep but also part of a comet
  11. 18. Something comet orbits have a lot of
  12. 20. Introduced to Earth from comets
  13. 22. This disk isn't put together; it's ____
  14. 24. Like asteroids but also a certain road
  15. 25. Found in turkey, but could also be on comets
  16. 26. Late Heavy ____
  17. 27. Charged atom, but also a comet tail
  18. 28. Eris, Pluto, and Makemake are all ____ Objects
  1. 1. You'd think it involves water but it doesn't
  2. 2. Dirty ___
  3. 5. Cause of a certain belt
  4. 8. Why would an asteroid get sent to Earth?
  5. 10. Huge cloud surrounding the solar system
  6. 12. Comets like Hale Bopp
  7. 14. It's no Gucci belt, but it is a(n) ___ one
  8. 19. You'll find it in your house and in the tail of a comet
  9. 21. Lurks just outside of the atmosphere
  10. 23. Crater creator