Other Minds Crossword!!

  1. 3. The Nervous System is made up of unusually shaped cells called _______. The cells depend on electrical excitability, known as a spasm that causes a chain reaction moving through the cell. And also depends on chemical sensing and signaling which is created by small chemicals into the gap of the cell and triggers an action potential.
  2. 6. The ____ period brought along the development of predation and scavenging. Animals have become a part of each other’s lives in a way that was foreign to them before, specifically through predation. Proof of this is seen in the animal bodies from that time: claws, eyes, and antennae. Along with the evolution of bodies came the evolution of the nervous system as animals’ behavior became directed towards others.
  1. 1. Because cells did not properly separate through cell division, the cells stuck together and evolved tissue and complex systems. Through the evolution of ________ organisms, body systems and consciousness become more and more complicated. The ability to even exist on such a complex level depends on sensory processing and action.
  2. 2. The appearance of both the compound eyes seen today in insects and ______ eyes like our own were found in the Cambrian. There were big behavioral and evolutionary consequences of being able to see the objects around you for the first time. Especially objects at some distance and in motion. With an influx of sensory information, from the eyes, comes a need for complex internal processing in the mind. An image-forming eye creates possibilities that would be unthinkable without it.
  3. 4. The ________ era occurred 635-542 million years ago. The organisms of this period are somewhat regarded as “animals” as much of their daily lives consisted of existing and eating--very rarely did they move. It is widely believed that predation was not an issue and life in this period was peaceful.
  4. 5. ______ celled organisms were more complex than we thought. We used to think they lived as solitary beings, but that was not the case. They were more entangled in their lives by truly coexisting and living in association with one another. They were coexisting to a point where it was a breaking point from that original thought of that type of life.