The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 2020's

  1. 2. Fire and ______, natural disasters in Halifax Co.
  2. 5. Ezra’s new golden retriever
  3. 7. Young feller who moved to TO with mom.
  4. 9. Grammie and Grandad both moved to this new home
  5. 12. Paul’s new bride
  6. 14. New feature(s) in the cottage sunroom
  7. 16. Came in May again to visit on our lawn and pond
  8. 17. deck Boys’ build now a favourite cottage perch
  9. 19. Newest Grandgirl
  10. 22. We wore this every day for 2 years +
  11. 23. Lost track of this feline
  12. 26. Shed built for this vehicle
  13. 28. Here they say “Yamas”
  14. 29. New build at the cottage is used for this
  15. 30. Sylvie’s new pup
  16. 32. Tessa’s doggie
  17. 33. Ella declared Grampy’s was broken
  18. 34. Kevin Costner's Series
  1. 1. Taught Chinese students using this AV app.
  2. 3. Kelly is landlord to her house here
  3. 4. Debbie’s new hobby
  4. 6. Stay the _________ home.
  5. 8. Said good bye to this best puppy
  6. 10. Dave’s new partner
  7. 11. Kelly’s Tata house on this Ave
  8. 13. Reno in our workshop is for this activity
  9. 15. Favourite footwear in the winter woods
  10. 18. Murray, Ron, Jane, Winnie, Charlie. May they _____ __ _____
  11. 20. Grandgirl, COVID baby
  12. 21. Chalets visited in February
  13. 24. Most corrupt White House tenant ever
  14. 25. Kelly and Sara travelled in this cold direction to do their work
  15. 27. The virus we all got to know
  16. 31. Community in focus after mass shooting