Our brother

  1. 1. : Famous for his Pol-Sambol
  2. 5. : Our one an only brother, the best one in the whole world
  3. 6. : Guaranteed to make you want to throttle him
  4. 8. : Human calculator
  5. 11. : Will sleep, eat, and sleep some more
  6. 12. : Clown of the family
  7. 13. : Will kill creepy crawlies, scream at bullies, and stay with you in Gippsland
  8. 14. : Snide remarks are his specialty
  9. 17. : Perceptive, gentle, thoughtful
  10. 18. : Will be there through thick and thin
  1. 2. : Will help a stranger in need
  2. 3. : Almost didn't make it
  3. 4. : Everyone is his mate
  4. 6. : Will give you a bear hug whenever you need one
  5. 7. : Will tell your mother
  6. 9. : Such a cutie pie
  7. 10. : Will create something from nothing
  8. 15. : All the aunties love him
  9. 16. : Troublemaker by nature
  10. 17. : Always wanted to be a muscle-man