Our Class

  1. 1. This friend loves ships and aircrafts
  2. 5. This friend loves fashion
  3. 6. This friend loves drawing cute animals
  4. 8. This friend loves slime
  5. 9. This friend loves toes
  6. 11. This friend loves Greek and Roman Mythology
  7. 13. This friend loves Taylor Swift
  8. 15. This friend loves telling jokes
  9. 16. This friend loves corn
  1. 2. This friend loves horses
  2. 3. This friend loves boba
  3. 4. This friend loves making crafts
  4. 7. This friend loves Warrior Cats
  5. 10. This friend loves basketball
  6. 12. This friend loves reading
  7. 14. This friend loves Amazon
  8. 17. This friend loves technology