Our Classroom Family

  1. 3. This name begins with an S.
  2. 4. This name begins with a consonant and ends with a vowel.
  3. 6. This name has a nickname that is 4 letters long and ends with a Y.
  4. 8. This name has 7 letters and it begins with a vowel..
  5. 10. This name begins and ends with the same vowel.
  6. 11. This name ends with an a.
  7. 14. This name is the longest name in our class.
  8. 16. This name has 6 letters and begins and ends with a consonant.
  9. 17. This name has 2 vowels in his name.
  1. 1. This name ends with a double vowel.
  2. 2. This name has a nickname that is 4 letters long.
  3. 5. This name has 2 vowels.
  4. 6. This name begins with the last letter of the alphabet and ends with the first letter of the alphabet.
  5. 7. This name has 2 Z's in it.
  6. 9. This name has 2 L's in it.
  7. 12. This name begins with an N.
  8. 13. This name has double consonants twice!
  9. 15. This name has the word "son" in it.