  1. 1. The transitions and transformations that occur in nature during seasons.
  2. 5. A low temperature that can be felt during winter, often accompanied by snow.
  3. 7. Colorful and fragrant plants that bloom in spring and summer.
  4. 10. The act of starting again or making something new is often associated with spring.
  5. 11. Referring to days becoming lengthier during the spring and summer seasons.
  6. 12. Bright and warm sunlight bring a feeling of happiness and joy.
  7. 13. The season between summer and winter, is known for its colorful leaves and harvest.
  8. 15. A gentle and refreshing wind that can be felt during spring and summer.
  9. 16. Describing days, they are becoming shorter during autumn and winter seasons.
  1. 2. Frozen water crystals that fall from the sky and cover the ground in winter.
  2. 3. The gathering of ripe crops or fruits from the fields in autumn.
  3. 4. The process of plants and living things getting bigger and developing.
  4. 5. Uncomfortably cool or cold, usually referring to autumn or winter weather.
  5. 6. The coldest season of the year with shorter days and often snow or ice.
  6. 8. The pleasant feeling of being comfortably hot, is often associated with summer.
  7. 9. The season between winter and summer when flowers bloom and the weather warms.
  8. 10. Water falls from the sky in the form of droplets, often during spring.
  9. 12. The warmest season of the year with longer days and often sunny weather.
  10. 14. The flat, green structures that grow on trees and change color in autumn.
  11. 15. The process of flowers opening up and revealing their beauty in spring.