Our Earth in motion

  1. 2. this and the antarctic has full daylight oor darkness each Winter and Summer
  2. 4. the line that ddivides the world into Northen and Southern hemispheres
  3. 5. the other side of the world is experiancing daylight
  4. 7. this and the artic circle has full daylight oor darkness each Winter and Summer
  5. 8. there are 24 _______ in the world
  6. 9. the earth does what every 23.52 hours?
  7. 13. there are two of these. One is North and one is South
  8. 17. the earth is on its what?
  9. 19. the earth does this to the sun every year
  10. 21. horizontal
  11. 23. light
  12. 24. a tide that is very jumpy
  13. 25. the season that is cold
  14. 26. the moon has these
  15. 27. the earth is on a 23 degrees what?
  16. 28. the planet that we live on
  17. 29. the thing that shines in the night
  1. 1. the ocean has these
  2. 2. the season before winter
  3. 3. the shortest or the longest day of the year
  4. 6. vertical
  5. 10. The date when the sun crosses the equator when day and night are equal (September and March)
  6. 11. the earth has _______ line that makes everything fal to the ground
  7. 12. the season that is hot
  8. 14. the thing the earth revolves around every 365.25 days
  9. 15. the other side of the world is experiancing darkness
  10. 16. the place where the greenwich merridian is
  11. 18. has a progressivley bigger part of the moons visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to increasein size.
  12. 20. has a progressively smaller part of the moons visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size.
  13. 22. a tide that is very weak
  14. 24. this is something that changes as the weather changes