- 2. how do we get from Singapore to Bintan?
- 3. which football player recently moved to juventus?
- 4. How many hours to fly from Melbourne to Singapore?
- 5. Where is Club Med?
- 7. Who is the best travel agent in the world?
- 8. where do we live?
- 10. where does Scott work?
- 11. what is a colour on the aboriginal flag?
- 12. what is six plus four?
- 1. which computer game is the best according to Spencer?
- 2. how old will Mel be on her next birthday?
- 4. who is the best hairdresser in the world?
- 6. Which airline are we flying with?
- 7. who has the best dimples in the whole world?
- 8. what is the currency in Singapore?
- 9. what colour are Abbey's glasses?
- 11. what colour are Roland's eyes?