our journey together

  1. 7. what is your favourite color?
  2. 8. what month did we first go out together?
  3. 10. wht did you get me for my third birthday present?
  4. 11. what did i get you on your second birthday present?
  5. 12. what did we ate when we are at plaza indonesia?
  6. 13. where did we go out on our first date?
  7. 14. what did you get me for my second birthday present?
  8. 15. what did you get me for my first birthday present?
  1. 1. where is our farthest date location?
  2. 2. what did i get you on your third birthday present?
  3. 3. what is my favourite color?
  4. 4. what month did we became official?
  5. 5. what did i get you on your first birthday present?
  6. 6. where did we go out together for the first time?
  7. 9. where did we go out together and met vanessa & mark?