Our Love

  1. 3. My middle name.
  2. 4. Where we met.
  3. 7. "I didn't even think I was going to ____ you." -Kelly
  4. 11. The first meal you offered me.
  5. 14. What you kept saying you would do when I was broken.
  6. 15. "The ____ is in the mail." -Kelly
  7. 17. Kelly never wants to be a _____.
  8. 18. "You're always _____ here!" -Tony
  1. 1. Kelly loves ____.
  2. 2. You flew me first class to _____.
  3. 5. You wake up early to make me ____.
  4. 6. Our first vacation together.
  5. 7. I ____ you
  6. 8. When we met.
  7. 9. "I'm ______ with you" -Tony
  8. 10. The only thing we fight over.
  9. 12. Our "first date"
  10. 13. My favorite thing to do in the kitchen.
  11. 16. Tony loves _____.