Our Love

  1. 5. Who I love super duper much
  2. 6. The best kind of gifts
  3. 9. First gift you sent me
  4. 10. Where you live
  5. 13. Where I will live soon
  6. 14. Your favorite food
  7. 15. What you wear at concerts
  8. 16. The band you love the most
  9. 17. Our favorite drink
  1. 1. Your favorite thing to do
  2. 2. The band we've seen the most
  3. 3. Super gross food, especially on burgers
  4. 4. Food that tried to kill you as a kid
  5. 7. Your philosophy
  6. 8. First gift I gave you
  7. 11. Your favorite color
  8. 12. The spookiest band we've seen
  9. 13. My favorite color