Our Love

  1. 5. What was the town we stayed in for the first night of our vacation?
  2. 9. The game we played the most after our vacation.
  3. 10. What is our future home-city?
  4. 11. Before we said we love each other we used to say we were "in ___" with each other.
  5. 12. Your birth month.
  6. 14. Something I constantly window shop for despite saying I was against the reason for it.
  7. 16. Who made the first move?
  8. 18. Who said "I love you" first?
  9. 19. What activity push for you to visit me in Canada?
  1. 1. When we first started talking, we spent a lot of one-on-one time together in the popular game mode ____ in CSGO.
  2. 2. What is the area of work we have in common?
  3. 3. The city I live in.
  4. 4. My favourite movie (acronym).
  5. 6. The popular snack you brought for me.
  6. 7. The town you live near.
  7. 8. What activity was our first date IRL?
  8. 13. The city we had our first kiss.
  9. 15. My birth month.
  10. 16. The month we started dating.
  11. 17. Your favourite movie.