Our Love

  1. 1. My favorite ice cream flavor (right now)
  2. 6. What I do when I think of you
  3. 8. The subject you help me in the most
  4. 9. What treatment you give me
  5. 11. What we do "to much of"
  6. 12. My favorite color on you
  7. 14. My eye color
  8. 17. Our first date anniversary
  1. 2. What your soul is filled with
  2. 3. One of our favorite things to do together
  3. 4. My lizards name
  4. 5. My favorite animal
  5. 7. What I feel for you
  6. 10. The game we play together
  7. 12. Our first date location
  8. 13. Your eye color
  9. 15. What we cant seem to do in front of each other
  10. 16. What i'm better than you at