Our Love Story

  1. 1. First kiss
  2. 6. You are my...
  3. 8. Sleepy solution
  4. 9. Potential future career for us
  5. 12. Our future business venture
  6. 15. Fridays
  7. 16. Guilty pleasure
  8. 17. Tattoo twinsies
  9. 18. Favorite way to cross the Cut
  10. 19. Treat without time
  11. 20. Favorite way to explore with you
  1. 1. Banana lover
  2. 2. Better
  3. 3. How we met
  4. 4. First date
  5. 5. Daily request
  6. 7. Gasworks challenge
  7. 10. Winter tradition
  8. 11. Key ingredient for road trip
  9. 13. Nickname
  10. 14. We are always...