our puzzling economy

  1. 2. Sum of people's skills
  2. 4. Capacity to be useful
  3. 5. There is no such thing as a free lunch
  4. 6. A good intented for 3+ years of working
  5. 7. Alternate choices
  6. 10. Human effort
  7. 11. good Goods intended for final use by an individual
  8. 13. A location or other mechanism that allows buyers and sellers to exchange goods
  9. 15. Something that we'd like to have, but is not necessary for survival
  10. 17. Tools used to produce goods and services
  11. 18. final dollar value of all final goods and services
  12. 20. Work performed for someone
  13. 22. People who use goods and services to satisfy their demands of wants and needs.
  14. 25. Simplified visual to show how something works
  1. 1. Three basic economic questions
  2. 3. Four factors of production
  3. 8. A good that lasts less than 3 years
  4. 9. The basic problem in economics
  5. 12. Basic requirements for survival
  6. 14. Worth expressed in dollars
  7. 16. natural resources
  8. 19. Useful, tangible item
  9. 21. Someone that does something new with the same resources
  10. 23. Study of how scarcity affects the use of resources
  11. 24. A measure of the amount of goods and services produced in a period of time.